FIFA 19: 10 Changes From Last Year's Game You Need To Know

2. Kick Off Actually Matters

FIFA 19 Kick Off
EA Sports

Unless one happens to be sitting snugly on the sofa with a pal, there's next-to-no need for offline exhibition matches in FIFA. Kick Off, until now, has been a relic from days long-since past, and it's much more thrilling to jump straight online or into Ultimate Team or Career Mode.

"Until now".

EA have done some tinkering with Kick Off this year. They've turned it from a waste of disc space into something you'll want to dive into. New ideas, such as exploring the new 'House Rules' settings and having a laugh over card-less referees, two goals for every one netted outside the box and more, turn exhibitions from offline snorefests to a viable part of FIFA 19's lineup.

'Survival Mode', which sees one player from your team sent off the pitch for every goal you score, also adds some pick-up-and-play fun to EA's game. There's no need for meaningless (and po-faced) 90-minute matches this time.

What was that about arcade quality?

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.