FIFA 19: 10 Fan Demands EA Sports Must Include

1. At Least Some Kit Customisation

FIFA 18 Kit Customisation
EA Sports

According to FIFA law, Bayern Munich will still be playing in the same kit come 2025. OK, we're being facetious there, and we know why kits don't change in EA's world. They spent a lot of money licensing the latest strips, and they want to keep something back for next year when gear inevitably changes.

Still, that doesn't mean they can't include some customisation in the new game.

It wouldn't need to be anything major, just a design alteration season-to-season that freshens things up for those slogging it out in Career Mode. If EA are feeling particularly adventurous, then they could include some sort of monetary feature that relies on current trends (meaning your homage to Croatia's Euro '96 top would bomb in 2018).

Having the option to release new kits would also add to the management aspect and create transfer funds. It'd be tricky, especially for EA to get around the licensing issue, but it's hardly impossible if they keep things basic.

What other fan demands must EA Sports meet in FIFA 19? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.