FIFA 19: 10 New Features That Fix Annoying Problems

8. Ghost Markers

PES 2018

If EA were going to steal anything from PES, it had to be that Champions League license. That's just fact. Everyone and their granny fancied hearing that official anthem ring out in EA's game, and it's now upon us.

It's not the only thing EA nabbed though.

A more subtly brilliant piece of thievery are the ghost markers Konami popularised in recent PES titles. These handy little things let you know exactly which player control would shift to should you press that switch button. This is particularly useful when defending against pacy attackers. It certainly was in PES 2018.

It may have seemed like a small issue before, but everyone has been there: it's the last few minutes of a match and you're 1-0 up. Suddenly, the CPU counters and your defenders scramble back to save the day. Right at the worst possible moment, you switch players and it goes to the wrong man. Disaster, 1-1 and a broken controller is the result.

Ghost markers change all that.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.