FIFA 19: 6 Rumours You Need To Know About
3. Trouble For A Nintendo Switch Version?
According to French site, FIFA 18 on Nintendo Switch had sold just 73,000 copies as of January 2018.
Whilst that's hardly high, a lower number was surely expected when taking into consideration the fact FIFA on Switch wasn't quite as well-produced as FIFA on Xbox One or PS4; Nintendo users didn't even have The Journey to play around with, and that was touted as one of 18's biggest selling points pre-release.
The question is: could this spell trouble for FIFA on Switch going forward? EA quickly lost interest in seriously producing the series on other Nintendo hardware like the Wii, and the only Wii-U version (FIFA 13) was never treated as a proper alternative to the main console copies either.
There's likely to be a FIFA 19 release on Switch this year. After that, who knows? Although this may not directly impact 19, it is worth repeating that EA don't have a history of developing footy games on Nintendo hardware that match up to what players can find elsewhere.
It's like the studio view Switch as a gimmick.