FIFA 19: 7 Things Hardcore Fans Want From The Journey 3

2. A Satisfying End To Alex Hunter's Story

FIFA 19 The Journey 3
EA Sports

This is it.

Alex Hunter, the young kid gamers have watched grow from public park wannabe into Premier League superstar and global icon is on the way out. FIFA 19's The Journey 3 will be the end of his story, and nobody who has spent so much time playing through the past two chapters of his tale wants Alex to go out with a whimper.

If this is the final time EA let fans slip into the boots of Hunter, then please let it be a whirlwind of excitement that ends with a satisfying bang rather than fizzling out; there's a worry the latter could happen if EA make a balls up of transitioning into greater focus on Kim and Danny Williams.

This, more so than that penalty as a child or the exit trial training match in FIFA 17, is the most important moment of The Journey for Alex. If he doesn't have a good conclusion to go out on, then his re-appearance (probably for a cameo in future titles) won't carry the same weight.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.