FIFA 19 Beta Review: 8 Hands-On Impressions You Need To Know

1. Tactics Are Actually Effective


Despite all the new features, improvements, and addition of the Champions League, the increased effectiveness of tactics may well be the crowning glory of FIFA 19.

Tactics in the new game are far more comprehensive than ever before, an example being the variety of defensive styles. Whereas before the changes felt nominal, now you can select from Balanced, Pressure On Heavy Touch, Press After Possession Loss, Constant Pressure, and Drop Back, all of which come with a visual demonstration and description of what each style does, and genuinely have an effect on your style of play.

Almost every area of tactics can be customised in FIFA 19; from number of players in the box for corners, to how deep you want your team to sit when defending, to the ability to apply custom tactics to the D-Pad rather than pre-set attacking & defending options.

Previous versions of the game allowed you to develop personalised tactics but it always felt as though they had little impact on the game aside from what formation you set out to play. On FIFA 19, your team genuinely gegenpresses your opponent when told to, encourages forward runs from your full-backs when instructed, and can execute an offside trap like never before.

Tactics have been transformed from an afterthought or last resort, to the ultimate tool in personalising and getting the most out of your team. They make you feel like the next Guardiola, Klopp, or Mourinho...if that's your kind of thing.


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PES 2019
We love teamwork! Who doesn't? This article is a collaborative effort between Ewan Paterson and Adam Wilbourn.
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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.


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