FIFA 19 Career Mode: 8 New Things You Need To Know

3. EA Have Sorted Youth Team Gripes

FIFA 18 Youth Team
EA Sports

For a license-heavy game that beams pictures of football's biggest stars at you like a Panini sticker album, FIFA 18's Career Mode had one major flaw in presentation: youth players, nonsensically, didn't have avatars that matched their on-the-pitch character models. Illusion shattered, and time to hit the reset button.

This wasn't a massive problem for some teenage sensations, but it was hard to put up with Nigerian 17-year old goalie Kelvin Kuti turning out to be white-skinned and ginger-haired when you picked him ahead of Champions League fumbler Loris Karius. Kuti wasn't an isolated example either, and that broke any and all connection with EA's fictional football world.

In FIFA 19, they've put this right. Avatars now match models, and new 'Next Generation' cut scenes on the dash recommend young prodigies in a more intuitive way. In another nice touch, your own youth players get a few million added onto their transfer valuations if they're featured in the top four.

This, at least, sorts out one grumble players who enjoy fostering young talent had with the last few FIFA entries.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.