FIFA 19 Early Wishlist: 10 Things Fans Want To See

6. Fully-Fleshed Create-A-Manager Suite

FIFA 17 Manager
EA Sports

This is 2017 and yet we're still picking from a few uninspiring pre-built models when starting a Career Mode in FIFA 18. EA didn't even have the sense to change these models from last year's game. That's unforgivable, and makes finding someone who looks like you in the handful of generic managers more tough than it should be.

Countless games offer up a creation suite, so FIFA shouldn't be any different. If it's possible to create players from scratch, deciding on hair, skin, build etc, then why isn't it the same for managers in 18? FIFA 19 could instantly win players over by touting a Create-A-Manager feature. It's long overdue.

It'd feel like a jump forward for the series if eager managers-to-be were also able to pick out outfits for their gaffers, wear club-branded ties or don the old sheepskin jacket and flat cap combo. Why not? Even LMA Manager 2007 had more customisation than FIFA 18 does.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.