FIFA 19 Early Wishlist: 10 Things Fans Want To See

5. Your Manager Celebrating Cup Wins

EA Sports

On that note, it feels like EA are missing a trick during cup celebrations by not showing your manager hoisting the trophy above his head. Some of the celebrations have been the same for years, and so have the commentary lines (sorry, Mr. Tyler, we'll stop ragging on you eventually). The entire victory scene idea is ripe for improvement.

The manager players have created should be on the pitch applauding his troops as they celebrate. Then, he should be running around to greet fans with the cup in his hands. That's part of the magic, and it'd make winning trophies feel like more of a personal thing. How EA haven't figured that out yet is baffling.

In general, it'd be nice to see more from your created avatar. Press conference shots are one thing, but seeing your man out on the training pitch or putting an arm over the shoulder of young players during warm ups would bring the game to life.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.