FIFA 19: Predicting The 10 Best Players

5. David De Gea (Manchester United)

fifa 19
By Анна Нэсси ( [CC BY-SA 3.0GFDL, CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

Disregarding the horror show that de Gea had at the World Cup, he is unquestionably the best goalkeeper in the world right now.

Manchester United may have been nowhere near City in terms of the Premier League title, but that was due to their inability to score goals as opposed to conceding too many. Despite playing behind shaky centre-backs like Chris Smalling and Phil Jones, de Gea kept 18 clean sheets and won the Golden Glove award for the first time last season.

The 27-year-old is unrivalled as a shot stopper; with cat-like reflexes, phenomenal positioning, and incredible diving ability. When an opponent is baring down on your goal, the man you need between the sticks is the player with the skills to pull off saves others would deem impossible.

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Lanky, specky, ginger bloke who loves all things wrestling, football and quiz related. The man who invented the #BloodyGoodQuiz.