FIFA 20 Career Mode: 10 Ways EA Can REALLY Fix It

2. Microtransactions

EA Sports

A lot of people are going to detest this suggestion, they really are, but bear with it.

Microtransactions, regrettably, have become a hard-on for game developers everywhere. They're a license to print money, and that's taken over what was once pure craft of passionate love letters to the video game genre. Money, money and more money is all that matters, and that's why EA are so disinterested in Career Mode.

So, with a little bit of luck, maybe microtransactions in Career would tempt them back. Think about: EA adore Ultimate Team because it's a non-stop cash party. It's the gift that keeps on giving, and Career Mode could be the same. It doesn't need to be intrusive at all; those real cash payments would be optional, not essential.

Besides, Career Mode is offline anyway, so it's not like anyone would be gaining a massive, unfair advantage over fellow players. All they'd be doing is enhancing their own world if they wanted. There's the carrot dangling in front of EA. It's up to them if they bite and see the potential here.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.