FIFA 20 Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs
1. Microtransactions (Down)

OK, so the bottom line here is that EA have decided they'd rather be forced to fix their game and that they're not willing to make positive changes to an industry that they're responsible for breaking in the first place. Legislation is coming, and with it a likely end to lootbox mechanics, but EA won't be doing the right thing until they're literally forced by the courts to do so.
Or, to put this another way, Ultimate Team 'Card Packs' are still a prominent feature in FIFA20, and players of all ages are free to throw their (or their parent's) money at them to try and get the best players. What are the chances of getting these players you ask? Nobody's got any idea because the odds of this glorified gambling are still not published by EA.
It's a big old shame because they had a massive opportunity to show willing here, and ultimately governments and the courts tend to overreact hugely to problems in the video game industry. Self-regulation would have allowed for a decent compromise but, instead, the hammer's just going to fall and we'll have to deal with the aftermath. Not cool, EA. Not cool.