FIFA 21: 10 Latest Rumours You Need To Know

9. Volta Will Become A Bigger Feature

EA Sports

Others are a little more positive, and they believe EA will throw some eggs into the indoor footy basket and make Volta a more important part of the experience. That seems to make sense. EA did enhance Alex Hunter's Journey every year when that was a single-player focus, and Volta has a little more juice to it than that.

It's a multiplayer goldmine-in-waiting, which is something EA adore.

They know that fun loosens wallets. Yes, this goes hand-in-hand with fears about microtransactions, but does anyone really think EA Sports are going to move on from gambling when it makes them so much money? That ain't gonna' happen, but increased emphasis on Volta might.

Despite being a curious add-on in FIFA 20, Volta never actually felt like the standalone feature EA claimed it would be. This, closely following a period during which everyone was inside anyway, could be the year to sort things out on the indoor football front.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.