FIFA 21: 8 Career Mode Changes You Need To Know

4. Match Sharpness

EA Sports

Prepare for a brand new player attribute.

Alongside well-established ones like 'Finishing', 'Passing', 'Heading', 'Awareness' and the like is the new 'Match Sharpness' reading. EA are making a big deal out of "crucial moments" in FIFA 21 (which, alarmingly, has some series vets bumping their gums about the old scripting worries on Twitter), and they want this to be part of that function.

Basically, there are loads of factors that govern just how ready your top stars are for the match ahead. Sharpness is one of them, and it's best-managed by taking care of what happens in training, what you say to the media and how often you've been picking them for similar important games.

Again, this all sounds very Football Manager. That's a recurring theme with FIFA 21's new feature set for Career Mode, and that's hardly a bad thing. The more entrenched EA get with FM-style depth, the better. If they can marry that involvement with their own dazzling presentation, then people might finally get the Career experience they want.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.