FIFA 21: 8 Career Mode Changes You Need To Know

3. New Ways To Sign Players

EA Sports

Anyone who has spent significant time with FIFA's transfer market suite will know there are simple workarounds that exploit other clubs. Those once-snazzy cutscene negotiations seem less-realistic when you can lowball even the smartest gaffers out there by refusing to budge or only raising offers by a million or two each time.

In FIFA 21, EA will enhance how negotiations work.

Career Moders are now able to set up 'loan-to-buy' deals too. If you're playing as Man City and want Atlético Madrid's João Félix long-term, but don't have the funds to secure that this season, then you'd still be able to get your grubby mitts on him. That, of course, relies on Atléti accepting a loan-to-buy.

Better yet, teams can agree to work out a fixed future transfer price there and then, or they can keep things open to see how that player does on loan during his first season. Hopefully, this won't be glitched and result in a totally useless market full of loans for the best players.

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