FIFA 21: 8 Career Mode Changes You Need To Know

2. Enhanced Opposition AI

EA Sports

A constant annoyance throughout FIFA's shelf life on current-gen hardware has been the sameness between clubs in Career Mode. Unless you're playing on the hardest difficulty, there's little to choose between Hull City and Borussia Dortmund, which is just preposterous and totally unrealistic.

'Enhanced Opposition AI' will, it's hoped, change that.

Now, rather than CPU-controlled teams adhering to restrictive templates, they'll mix up how they defend, attack and tactically change to "keep your Career fresh from game to game". This writer speaks for every offline FIFA player when he says this is a must. Too many Careers devolve into endless matches that play out exactly the same.

The AI will make more "informed" decisions based on your contextual actions. So, the days of Stoke trying to attack Liverpool in the FA Cup like they've suddenly turned into Bayern Munich should be done and dusted. If they're not, then this feature will be another false dawn.

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