FIFA 23 Career Mode: 10 Changes You Need To Know

4. You’ll Have A Transfer Analyst

FIFA 23 Career Mode
EA Sports

Those negotiations are about to be souped up a little too.

Your transfer analyst's main job is to let you know just how smart potential buys are. They won’t only analyse things financially, but also squad-wise too. So, for example, say you’re on the hunt for a world class centre forward - the analyst might point out that you’ve already got Lewandowski, Haaland and Mbappe under contract.

Then, they'll advise that you spread the wealth and actually buy a new right back for once. Or, how about a goalkeeper considering the one you've got is 40 and has artificial limbs? It's also cool to hear that loans will be included in this logic game too. After all, why loan another midfielder when you're short on defenders?

Balancing the books has never been particularly tough in FIFA's Career Mode. Going forwards, there must be more accountability (so to speak) for managers who spend willy nilly without any rhyme or reason. Maybe the analyst will rein that in.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.