FIFA 23 Career Mode: 10 Changes You Need To Know

5. New Cutscenes

FIFA 23 Career Mode
EA Sports

One thing FIFA 23 will have boatloads of? New cutscenes.

In typical fashion, EA refuses to call them just that. No, they're "Dynamic Moments", and include such things as seeing top signings being unveiled to the media properly rather than in those tiny boxes on the menus. Progress is progress, people.

The devs are also promising more training ground stuff, interviews and shorter cutscenes for things like 'Manager Of The Month'. There's no word yet on whether or not bagging some of these monthly awards will lead to a pat on the back from the club board.

Those who like the current transfer negotiations suite will be pleased to know that it's sticking around. Unfortunately though, it doesn't look like characters will be voiced at all, so that means more miming managers and subtitles.

Side note: It'd be really nice if EA could fix the logic algorithms for pre and post-match interviews. Some of the questions make no sense; gaffers shouldn't be asked how they feel about consigning teams to relegation four matches into the season, for example.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.