Final Fantasy: 10 Incredible Statistics You Won't Believe
8. The Series Has Multiple World Records

Speaking of Dragon Quest; the original instalment precedes Final Fantasy by seven months which, according to the committee behind the Guinness World Records, makes it the longest-running RPG series of all time. It may not be the first but because its older contemporaries, such as Ultima, are no longer in production it allows DQ to hold the honour.
Final Fantasy has a few records of its own. Broadly speaking, whilst it may not be the longest-running RPG franchise, it does hold the honour of “most prolific” thanks to the sheer number of games. In 2017, when the award was recognised, the series had 87 acknowledged titles.
Final Fantasy XIV however has the distinction of holding two world records all for itself.
As the original version of the game was due to come to a close and A Realm Reborn was in development, players were offered the chance to join the Legacy Campaign. This offered them a few benefits as thanks for sticking with the game through the transition, one of which was the choice to add your name to the credits of the relaunched title.
As such, this means Final Fantasy XIV’s credits are a hefty ordeal, coming in at 1 hour and 38 minutes long to accommodate all the players as well as the staff. This got Final Fantasy XIV the Guinness World Record for “longest credits in an MMO game” - which is as long as many feature films.
The game also bagged the award for “most original pieces of music in a game” as, at the time, the title had a staggering 384 songs on its soundtrack. This will have grown exponentially in the six years since thanks to every subsequent expansion.