Final Fantasy 14: 10 Reasons It Deserves Your Attention In 2021

1. The End(walker) is Nigh

Despite the 2.0 version of the game releasing some 8 years ago in 2013, Final Fantasy XIV is still receiving regular updates to keep recurring players returning to Eorzea.

On top of the patches, story additions and new questlines releasing frequently are full-length story additions that come by way of expansions. Separated by two-year gaps between releases, each offering is a new tale in the Final Fantasy XIV journey, and the fourth and final expansion, frighteningly titled Endwalker, is to be set upon the world this fall.

Endwalker promises a fitting end to the XIV saga, and alongside the (hopefully!) epic new story are new dungeons to complete, areas to explore and a bump in the level cap from 80 to 90 as even the most seasoned of Eorzeans are able to continue the grind.

Excitement around the Final Fantasy XIV community could not be higher, so there's no better time to start your journey as a famed Warrior of Light, no matter how long and perilous it may seem.

The final expansion is a far away feat for new players, but with it will surely bring populated servers and unrelenting buzz which will make you wish you started sooner.


Fan of ducks, ice tea and escapism. Spends much of his time persistently saying 'I have so much studying to do' before watching Zoey 101 for the millionth time. Thinks Uncharted 3 is the best one.