Final Fantasy: 15 Most Brutal Boss Battles
14. Storm Dragon (FFVI)
Given the Vanish/X-Zone exploit, no boss in FFVI's latter half is difficult - provided you're a dirty, dishonest cheater, that is. For those of unprepared to take such ignoble shortcuts, however, the Storm Dragon was one tough cookie.
Easily the most punishing of the octet of legendary dragons the player is tasked with defeating in the World of Ruin, Mt. Zozo's angry wind drake has an array of devastating group-targeting attacks - in particular the lethal Cyclonic-Aero combo - which can wipe the player's party out before they've even made a dent in its huge HP pool. A nasty pasty indeed.
Even the most honourable of us has a breaking point, and who could blame us for instead returning later to send the fiend packing straight to the nether-realm thanks to a handy Vanish spell. Don't believe the received wisdom: cheaters always prosper.
Cactaur Needles O' Pain: 15