Final Fantasy: The 150 Greatest Moments/Scenes

1. Celes Attempts Suicide (VI)

'Everyone's gone...Even Locke...There's nothing left for me in this world'
And here we have it, the greatest moment in the history of the Final Fantasy series. Having witnessed the destruction of Final Fantasy VI's world at Kefka's hand, party member Celes awakens on a solitary island after a year in a coma. The only person present with her is Cid, a scientist (and longtime friend) who has cared for her despite becoming ill himself and witnessing the death (natural or otherwise) of every other survivor who made it to the island alongside them. Wishing to repay him for his kindness, she tries to heal him of his affliction by providing him with fish. Though it's possible to catch the right combination and keep Cid alive, it prevents the appearance of the franchise's most heartfelt scene. In this, Cid perishes, leaving Celes alone with nobody. Not knowing if there is anybody else still out there at all, she ascends one of the island's many cliffs and, overcome with grief, she decides to end it all, attempting suicide by plummeting from a high point. The screen fades to black for a number of seconds, making players wonder if what they have just witnessed is the end of the game. Celes washes ashore, however, still very much alive, and finds a wounded bird wrapped in a bandana identical to the one worn by Locke, the man she had begun to fall in love with before Kefka's actions tore them apart. Taking this as a sign that there is still life out there, she discovers a letter and a raft from Cid and becomes free to travel the world and reunite the party in order to vanquish Kefka and end his reign of terror once and for all. It's a scene that is beautiful, tragic and inspirational all in one, and deserves its place at the summit of this exhaustive 44000 word list.

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.