Final Fantasy: 25 Greatest Heroes

16. Kain (IV)

Final fantasy 8
Square Enix

It’d be fair to label Kain as both a hero and a villain, given that Final Fantasy IV’s resident dragoon undergoes more face-heel turns during the course of his game than The Big Show does in a typical year.

First introduced as lead character Cecil’s best friend and brother-in-arms, his actions under the admittedly convenient plot device of Golbez’s mind control drive much of the story, creating a number of messes, many of which Kain then helps to clean up before he drifts to the dark side once more.

Dragoons are always visually impressive and Kain set the standard for the class in subsequent instalments with his striking dragon helm and Jump ability, which makes him a highly useful asset on the battlefield when he is a party member rather than an adversary. The game constantly leaves players questioning if there is still good inside him, which is ultimately answered in heroic fashion when he breaks free for a final time towards the conclusion.

Kain is very well-served by both the game’s mobile sequel, The After Years, and additional content added to its remakes. The defeat of Zeromus gives him no closure on his past misdeeds, whilst he remains pained by his unrequited and undeclared feelings for Rosa.

His trials to defeat the darkest manifestation of himself give him redemption, a fitting end for a heavily conflicted but ultimately brilliant character over a seventeen-year arc.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.