Final Fantasy: 25 Greatest Villains 

11. Reno & Rude (VII)

final fantasy 10 seymour guado
Square Enix

Though they undertake some fairly heinous acts on behalf of their employers, chiefly the destruction of Sector 7, Reno and Rude are immensely likable from the off in Final Fantasy VII.

Part of the Turks, who also include the less developed Elena and Tseng amongst their ranks, they form an effective comedy double act, with Reno’s aloofness and braggy nature contrasting with Rude’s silent and stoic demeanour to great effect.

The fact that the pair look so damn cool, with impeccably tailored suits and (in Rude’s case) an endless supply of sunglasses, also helps to endear them to the player as they steal almost every scene in which they appear. Whether it's Rude refusing to attack Tifa because of his unrequited crush on her or the pair of them deciding to ignore the party (despite their orders to track them down) because it is their day off, they’re a delightful presence to behold.

Advent Children recognised the love that fans held for the pair and ramped up their goofiness somewhat, turning them into full blown comic relief.

The fact that Rude’s first priority when under attack is to replace his shattered sunglasses with an identical pair sums them up perfectly and this characterisation seems to have bled through into VII Remake, with the pair openly questioning the morality of their orders from the off. They’ll be a huge part of future instalments and welcomingly so.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.