Final Fantasy 7 Remake: 10 Biggest Questions Answered

How long is it? Should you play the original? Is it a good first Final Fantasy?

final fantasy 7 remake
Square Enix

Well, after 23 years, Square Enix finally - and with a large degree of authority - remade Final Fantasy VII.

The sentence alone feels like something that would just never happen, but with scores of reviews and in-depth editorials firing up left, right and centre, one of the best games of all time is being born anew.

However, with such a media event - or a life event, if you're one of the many who grew up with Square's masterpiece - comes a ton of questions. Who exactly is this remake for? Have Square Enix delivered something that - like 2002's Resident Evil - usurps the original in every way?

Does it work for newcomers, fans or a mix of both? Is this a game you can dive in, having not played any of the other Final Fantasy titles, and will the story "work" without any prior knowledge?

There's also the whole "you're not actually buying the full game" thing too, because man does that need clearing up.

Whether you're going in new or returning after decades, there's a ton of simply answered info you need to know.


Note: Everything will be spoiler free.

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