Final Fantasy 7 Remake: 10 Biggest Questions Answered

9. Am I Buying The Full Final Fantasy 7 Remake?

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Final Fantasy VII as it has always been sold, is a 40-60 hour game comprising multiple locations, the first of which is the city of Midgar.

Square Enix are yet to comment on how they're delivering the rest of the story, other than noting it is in active development, and won't take as long as "part 1" to come out.

While they're yet to comment on pricing methods, considering how much game is here (30 hour's worth and lots of replayability), you're looking at additional full price purchases, or additional spending regardless.

I will say, spoiler-free, that Square Enix have "plugged in" various scenes and plot points from later in the overall story, into this Midgar section.

It gives the Remake a sense of "fullness" that almost eliminates the need for a sequel at all, but make no mistake: This ends after the game's first city, on a "This Journey Will Continue" title card.

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