Final Fantasy 7 Remake: 14 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

7. Invest In Parry, Deathly Dodge And Steadfast Block

final fantasy 7 remake tifa
Square Enix

Do NOT skimp on purple materia. Besides expanding stats such as strength, speed etc., it fundamentally grants you new animations, attacks and combat possibilities.

Parry for example, unlocks a new quick-dodge when tapping circle while guarding that can get you out of an attack combo. It's great for getting behind bosses and other creatures in instant, especially if given to a high-speed Tifa build.

Deathly Dodge gives each character their own attack animation when coming out of a dodge, providing you hit square again. Again I'd recommend Tifa as her spinning double-kick will nail entire groups at once.

Lastly, Steadfast Block increases your ATB gauge faster when guarding, and means you take less damage when doing so.

Combined, I had a Tifa with lightning punches from elemental materia, access to dodge-attacks and super quick parries when staying on the move, and if I needed to defend, she could fire back with a special attack thanks to ATB accrued when blocking.

See what I mean about Tifa being an absolute tank?

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