Final Fantasy 7 Remake Has Changed The Franchise Forever

Pretty Unsettling Scenery

Square Enix

The cultural rift in Midgar is a game-changer. The disparity in the lifestyle of the inhabitants of Midgar is night and day, and the series would do well to lean further into such ardent social commentary, instead of offering diverse locations with inhabitants that all speak, sound and act the same.

For as graphically stunning as Final Fantasy XV is, those who lounge in Galdin Quay feel no different to the people of Venice-inspired Altissia. The landscapes are gorgeous, and the world it presents uncovers a criminally underrated experience once the credits roll, but the Midgar presented in Final Fantasy VII Remake was deeply divided, and as such revitalised the city’s ability to warrant further cultural analysis; something XV never even attempted.

Walking amongst the NPC’s of the slums, eavesdropping on conversations and seeing their struggles firsthand adds a layer of complexity that the original failed to capture. The makeshift architecture of item shops and dingy bars refine the players understanding that the slums are not the desired location of Midgar dwellers, and Cloud’s reluctance to perform otherwise menial tasks is thoroughly understood by the player. However, standing in the rundown, unkempt streets it’s obvious that the people who reside in the slums rely on such assistance from their peers, and as such the feeling of responsibility is stronger than ever.

If I don’t help these people, who will?

There’s no mistaking that the gorgeous visuals and jaw-dropping presentation shines a new light on its overarching message, but the further emphasis on the Midgar portion of the Final Fantasy VII tale, while sometimes oddly paced, allows for far more emotional impact to be had.

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Fan of ducks, ice tea and escapism. Spends much of his time persistently saying 'I have so much studying to do' before watching Zoey 101 for the millionth time. Thinks Uncharted 3 is the best one.