Final Fantasy: Building The Perfect Sequel (1 Feature From Each Game)

13. FF VII - Connection To The Characters

Final Fantasy 7 Cloud

When prompted to name their favourite Final Fantasy, many fans will go to bat for VII, the first that large volumes of them would’ve ever played as a result of the widespread exposure it got upon its release on Sony’s original PlayStation console.

It has some gaping flaws when critically analysed (what doesn’t), but these are largely offset by a gripping storyline, excellent mechanics (most notably the Limit Break and Materia systems) and spectacular visuals.

What certainly cannot be denied is that it boasts an incredible cast of characters, beloved to this day and with several frequently topping ‘best character’ polls that crop up semi-regularly on the likes of GameFAQs.

Too often in Final Fantasy games are the party members outside of the main protagonist simply passengers in the wider story, contributing little or nothing to it. VII is certainly not guilty of this crime, as all nine playable characters (except maybe Cait Sith) and the vast majority of the supporting players are tremendously fleshed out.

Cloud uncovers his past, his storied history with Sephiroth and develops potential relationships with Aeris and Tifa. Barret confronts his perceived failures to his best friend and village. Red XII develops pride for his father. Vincent tortures himself over Lucrecia. No matter who, every character has a fantastically well-crafted arc.

Great characters make great games and any future Final Fantasy would do well to follow VII’s example by giving players a cast that they develop huge attachments to.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.