Final Fantasy VII Remake: 10 Essential New Features It Needs
If Square Enix is going to try to improve a classic, here's some things to keep in mind.

Almost twenty years ago, Final Fantasy VII was released on the original PlayStation and it was groundbreaking for a generation of gamers. So much so that many feel the series hasn't managed to come out with anything near as good since.
Because of that, for years fans have been clamouring for a remake of Final Fantasy VII and Square Enix has mostly ignored those calls. They did finally revisit the world of Gaia a few years back with The Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, a series of entries that included the Dirge of Cerberus third-person shooter for the PS2 (featuring Vincent) and the Crisis Core action RPG for the PSP (starring Zack Fair) as well as a Before Crisis mobile game with the Turks and the Advent Children CG movie that took place two years after the game.
But of course, fans wanted more and Square Enix has finally announced a remake in the works. Since the news came out, I've begun replaying FF7 on my PS3 and, while the game is great for nostalgic purposes, there are definitely things Square Enix could do to help set the remake apart from the original.
After all, it's not as if people who still want the classic experience can't get it. FF7 has now been ported to the PS3, PSP, PS Vita, iOS devices, Steam, and will soon come to the PS4. So why not try doing something new with this remake, as opposed to just improving the graphics? Here are some suggestions.
10. Multiplayer Mode

Most RPGs don't have multiplayer games, but there's certainly some room for that kind of gameplay in an FF7 remake. One of the easiest ways to give a sense of a larger inhabited world is something as simple as getting assistance from a friend. Would be a lot easier defeating those nigh-unbeatable WEAPONs with a little summon spell or curative items from your friends.
Another option is the Gold Saucer. Instead of a Battle Arena where you only fight random monsters and are increasingly handicapped, make the Battle Arena something far more unique that you can't get out in the world. Give you the option to pit your characters against your friends.
Chocobo races are another avenue for multiplayer. No more racing the game AI, now have an actual competition with your friends to see who is the best chocobo trainer.
There could also be network sharing where you can buy items, weapons, or materia that are difficult to find on your own from other players. Or gifting items. Having trouble saving enough gil for that lifetime Gold Saucer pass or those expensive sylkis greens to max out your chocobo's stats? Put out a call on the network and see if someone's willing to give you theirs.
FF7 has a surprising amount of minigames and these could be made a whole lot more interesting with a multiplayer option.