Final Fantasy VII Remake LEAK: Everything We Learned

4. The Sephiroth Clones?

FFVII Remake Leak

First seen in the trailer for Final Fantasy VII Remake, poor conflicted Cloud now finds himself tormented by ghostly, robed apparitions, for reasons he can't quite understand. We've had no further information on the precise nature of these troublesome psychological spectres, but one suggestion is that they're manifestations of Sephiroth, echoing throughout... time and space, or something... calling Cloud home for the reunion.

All that gibberish will make sense to anyone who has played Final Fantasy VII, or at least, be familiar gibberish. The robes and cowls certainly seem to correspond with the followers of Jenova's eldest who crop up throughout the original, spouting nonsense, as does their ephemeral, ethereal nature; several vanish into nothingness immediately upon contact, and with the exception of the sick pipe guy, it's never entirely clear if anyone but Cloud can even see them.

Editorial Team
Editorial Team

Benjamin was born in 1987, and is still not dead. He variously enjoys classical music, old-school adventure games (they're not dead), and walks on the beach (albeit short - asthma, you know). He's currently trying to compile a comprehensive history of video game music, yet denies accusations that he purposefully targets niche audiences. He's often wrong about these things.