_______ Another brief word before we continue with the list. As I mentioned with FFIX, if you can beat that game in terms of quality, you'd have made an excellent game. With that said, these next 3 games have done that and personally, are easily a cut above the rest of the series. _______
3. Final Fantasy Tactics
Surprised? I hope not, FFT is a damn good game. It's the main reason why I decided to expand this list to include more than just the main numbered titles. FFT manages to bring together good gameplay and story-telling in one package. FFT tells an actually good war-time story, full of betrayal, love, loss, murder and plenty of moral dilemmas. It focuses on the exploits of Ramza as he struggles through a war-torn era full of political agendas. It's a brilliant story told in a dramatic and emotional way, and is probably the most mature story of any FF game. Unfortunately it's one of the harder stories to describe, so this section may be short. The gameplay is that of a Strategy RPG, with the whole grid-like setting and is a joy to play. Featuring the job system akin to earlier games, you get to build up characters through different job classes and then evolve them further as you play. One slight negative is that if you lose any party member, you have to train a new one from scratch, which can be annoying and primarily leads to reloading of save files to avoid the situation in the first place. FFT would be my most wanted remake from the Final Fantasy series. Perhaps with an updated SRPG gameplay mechanic akin perhaps to Valkyria Chronicles if possible. I'd get that in a heart-beat.