Final Fantasy: Who Is The Best Character From Each Game?

10. V - Gilgamesh

Final Fantasy Characters
Square Enix

Final Fantasy V is one of the more forgettable titles of the series and there are few memorable things to take from it bar its in-depth expansion of the job system previously featured in III. The odd crowning moment of awesome aside, the leading quartet of Bartz, Faris, Galuf (later Krile) and Lenna do very little. Villainous Exdeath fares little better in hindsight, given that his grand scheme is essentially destroying the world for the sake of being evil.

Supporting antagonist Gilgamesh redeems all of them, however, given his constant stealing of every single scene that he is in. Written hilariously (who else would come up with a line like 'Enough expository banter! Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men') and with an epic accompanying musical theme (Clash On The Big Bridge) to boot, Gilgamesh was the first of many secondary villains to outshine their employers.

A testament to the enduring legacy of the character is how he subsequently crops up in almost every subsequent game, from a summon in VIII and a treasure hunter who only reveals his identity to players who collect every treasure chest in the game in IX to an optional boss (complete with a remix of his theme) in more recent titles. It's always the same guy too, connecting all of the games in one universe.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.