Final Fantasy XV: 10 Major Risks That Could Go Either Way

1. The Wait

This one may seem like cheating, but I feel it needs addressing. FFXV has been a long time coming. It was announced nearly a decade ago, and that€™s a ludicrously long time to build up fan expectations. No matter how good the game ends up, it may not be able to live up to what many fans want it to be; the rebirth of a legendary franchise. That€™s a heavy burden to bare for any game, and knowing the ferocity of gamers, if it€™s anything other than spectacular, it€™ll get ripped to shreds. In fairness, it'll probably get ripped to shreds anyway, considering some hardcore fans can never be truly satisfied. They have their own vision for the game already established in their head, and if the real thing deviates, they won€™t show any mercy. Maybe when the game comes out, it€™ll be everything we want it to be. But it could just as easily be crushed under inflated expectations, thanks to a wait that was just far too long for the final product to be worth it. Where do you stand on Final Fantasy XV? Let us know in the comments if you're excited, cautiously optimistic or something else entirely!

A creative writing student from Indianapolis, Joe loves games, fantasy novels and comics.