Fire Emblem: Three Houses - 10 Gameplay Features Fans Will Love

1. Timeskip!

Fire Emblem Three Houses

Fears are put to rest. The police can sleep easy tonight. Having your characters date one another is a-okay - post-timeskip of course.

You get to prepare and train children for war, have them incubate for five years in the oven, then they pop out: adult and ready to fight! Fire Emblem: Awakening and Fates had enough child-soldiers for our liking, and Nintendo has learned its lesson. Sorry, Morgan and Kana, no murder for you tonight! Children now get a healthy dinner and have to go to school.

Well, look at Claude. Baby Claude doesn't even begin to compare to adult Claude. It's like comparing baby carrots to a handsome young man. Thank you Fire Emblem for giving us the gift that keeps on giving: cute animated adults!

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