Football Manager 2015: 10 Most Infuriating Things That Always Happen

5. New Signing Gets A Long-Term Injury

We all know the drill with this one. It€™s transfer deadline day and you€™ve splurged your entire transfer budget on that star striker that will take you to the next level. Fast forward two weeks and it€™s the first international break. Your striker scores in the first game and all is well but then the dreaded news flashes onto your screen. He€™s torn a calf muscle which will see him sit out for three months. You€™re now left with no money, your average strikers and a board that is expecting you to make good on all those promises you made to get them to cough up the extra money for his signing. Of course this is frustrating if your striker got injured playing for you but the fact he€™s only gone and crocked himself playing for a team you couldn€™t care less about only makes things worse. A training ground injury has the same effect and will see you struggling not to slam the laptop down and strop off to your room in your best Mourinho tantrum.

Freelance sports writer. NCTJ accredited journalist. BA Hons. Huge sports fan with a particular passion for football.