For Honor: 10 Crucial Tips & Tricks You Need To Know

6. Revenge Is Your Best Friend

for honor viking

Revenge Mode is a 'comeback meter' that is filled up in combat by blocking and dodging attacks. When triggered with triangle/Y, you have increased attack damage, uninterruptible attacks and can't be knocked down. Using Revenge Mode will be imperative to your success against more difficult enemies, as it gets a significant boost when you're outnumbered.

The more enemies you're fighting against and staying alive, the faster this bottom-left meter will max out, allowing you to take them all on at once - providing you can continue dodging any heavy attacks, anyway.

Using Revenge Mode will be imperative to your success against more difficult enemies and Heroes with high defence. Certain classes, like the Nobushi, have equip-able Feats that allow them to build up their Revenge meter by attacking, whilst Gear pieces can also adjust the time it takes to fill up.

The right combination of Gear and Hero can result in Revenge Mode being a common occurrence, and a powerful ally in battle.

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For Honor
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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.