For Honor: 10 Major Problems Ubisoft Must Fix

2. Always Online

For Honor

You would have thought that after EA's Sim City debacle, that developers would have caught onto the fact that 'Always Online' games are not a good thing. Yet, Ubisoft took that direction regardless, and for the most part it's gone unnoticed, with more people getting angry about other people's connection issues, rather than their own. But Ubisoft needs to get rid of it, and soon.

Not only does it have a ripple effect throughout an online session if your connection drops out - as it affects everyone currently playing with you - but it restricts the entire game. What is perhaps the most frustrating part, is that the game offers a single player mode that is entirely detached from the online mode. There is literally no connection to the online aspect of the game besides customisable accessories, instantly nullifying the need for a connection.

Restricting your entire game behind something as temperamental as an internet connection can be incredibly annoying. Especially when it decides to boot you to the menu screen half way through a difficult portion of the game, resulting in having to start the mission again.

The number of people who solely bought the game for single player alone may be small, but For Honor seems to want to screw them over even more through unnecessary connections. That, and the lack of single player content overall.

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For Honor
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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.