For Honor Review: 5 Ups & 5 Downs

3. Online, Players Are Already Exploiting The Flaws

for honor

If you've played For Honor, you've been unceremoniously thrown from a ledge. Simple as.

See, one of the game's base functions is that of a 'Guard Break'; the move you can instantly deploy to smash through any opponents' defence, forcing those who hang back to immediately be open to any followup attack. A Guard Break can be countered if the person enacting it is struck during the animation (or if the opponent themselves tries the same move) but more often than not it'll come through, meaning the next attack - whatever it is - is unblockable.

And what do many players do if a Guard Break is successful? They throw you. Down a ledge, into some spikes, across a fire pit. You name it, you'll get thrown into it. And there's nothing you can do. If that first split-second Guard Break connected, you're being tossed faster than a dwarf in Helm's Deep.

Already players are calling for some sort of balancing patch to insist a player be on low health before being able to be thrown, or for the thrower to at least daze their opponent first. As it stands, a throw is one of the easiest moves to pull off, whilst also being impossible to defend against.

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