For Honor Review: 5 Ups & 5 Downs

3. Solid Variety Of Fighters With Many Pros And Cons

For Honor orochi

Back to the meat and potatoes of the game, as understanding what For Honor 'is' factors into how it presents its roster. You're initially given one fighter from each faction to get to grips with, as the rest are locked behind 500-a-piece amounts of Steel.

Don't buy them all just yet though, as whilst all fighters share the basics - attacking, defending, dodging and guard breaking - they vary pretty drastically when it comes to additional abilities. The pole-wielding Nobushi for example, specialises in long-range bleeding damage, wearing an opponent down over time, whereas the bulky Conqueror or Shugoki are monstrous mounds of muscle and power that'll dominate up-close if their attacks connect.

For honor viking

Learning how best to use each fighter's combos, how their animations fare against each other, what position it'll put you in and how to combine to best effect is the next 'level' of For Honor gameplay, with the game forever being accessible through the more basic attack/defence animations.

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