Fortnite Battle Royale: 12 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

2. Dance Or Use The Noise Of Loot To Hide/Manipulate Your Noise

Fortnite battle royale
Epic Games

Another tactical consideration that can be a hindrance as much as a benefit: Fortnite's loot - for the purpose of guiding you towards it - actually makes a soundscape-dominating noise when you get close.

This doesn't appear to be the case with every piece of equipment, but once you hear the "shimmering" noise, know that there's something worth picking up nearby.

However, whilst this can obscure your opponents' footsteps, it's also worth taking cover or demolishing some necessary components whilst in a loot piece's radius. More often than not it will will mask your steps or construction noise, allowing you to - once again - get that first shot off.

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