Fortnite Battle Royale: 12 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

9. You Can Dive-Bomb Faster & Farther

Fortnite Battle Royale Skydive
Epic Games

Debates will continue to rage as to the 'optimum' time to dive from the Battle Bus. Too soon and you're part of the mad scramble for that initial wave of loot, but too late and everyone else has already nabbed the good stuff.

If you're in the former camp take note: Your glider only deploys at a certain height over land - it won't even trigger if you pilot your character over sea instead.

Make sure you don't dive down too far, as it is totally possible to dive-bomb towards the beach, deploy your glider at the last second and make a swift horizontal sweep instead. The gliders might need a bit of tweaking as their lateral movement is mighty speedy - but if you're looking to fight to the death right off the bat, this could get you a weapon before anyone else has even hit the ground.

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