Fortnite Battle Royale: 12 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

6. Crank Your Volume Or Use Headphones To Listen For Footsteps

Fortnite battle royale victory
Epic Games

It really can't be overstated how important headphones are for this game. Like PUBG, a key part of survival comes from picking your spots and listening to your surroundings.

Battle Royale doesn't have any background music or score to speak of (outside of the 'emote music', anyway), so make sure you've got a setup that lets you listen out for footsteps. Epic have coded Fortnite's radial audio to a tee, and within seconds you'll be able to pick out the direction and height of other players nearby.

Use this to plan an ambush or flank, and if you want to mask your own footsteps, make sure you're crouch-walking or aim-walking as slow as possible.

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