Fortnite Battle Royale: 12 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

5. Use Distance And Cover Each Other When Working Together

Fortnite Battle Royal
Epic Games

Working as a squad can occasionally be a hindrance as voice chat obscures other audible clues that would let you get the drop on opponents - but there are some elements of teamwork that should always be used.

Whilst focusing fire on an individual will see them wiped in seconds, actually make a point of advancing through an area by keeping distance. As it stands, most Fortnite players are lone wolves, and simply won't 'clock' that there could be another player or two following their target in tow.

Use this method to get the drop on whoever was about to get the drop on your friend, and if you're going to explore a location like a scattering of vehicles, forest or open-air dilapidated building, get a good vantage point and cover from on-high.

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