Fortnite Chapter 2: 8 Biggest New Changes

7. Boats & Swimming

fortnite 2

Yes, that's right - getting around in water in Fortnite is no longer an absolute pain! The new motorboats offer a speedy new aquatic vehicle for you and your squad to nip around in (more on that in a minute), but more importantly, you can now swim freely through the new map's many rivers, lakes and pools.

While swimming, you can still freely use your weapons and harvesting tool, so you're not as much of a sitting duck while moving through deep water any more. What's more, if you jump while sprint-swimming, you can do a cool little dolphin dive that gives your character a quick speed boost.

You should note that currents do affect your swim speed though - while swimming downstream means you can zip along at high speeds, swimming against the current sees you going at a sea-snail's pace.

Boats, meanwhile, offer a speedier way around the new map. Motorboats can boost, fire rockets, and even drive across land (although this is obviously slower than being in the water).

Each boat can also hold a full squad, although the cramped conditions and lack of cover means an easier shot for enemies if all four of you are in there at once.

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Metalhead, bad pun enthusiast and geek extraordinaire. Currently studying an MA in Journalism at Leeds Trinity.