Forza Horizon: 4 Reasons To Be Excited

3. Racing a Mustang in a Mustang

Within my first hour playing Forza Horizon I was thrown into the sort of situation you usually only see played out on an episode of Top gear. The mission, titled Mustang Vs Mustang, put me in a classic muscle car and challenged me to outrace a fighter plane of the same name. The plane had a considerable advantage flat out, but had to take far wider turning circles on the winding mountain roads we had to follow to find the races various checkpoints. Forza Horizon features several of these setpiece style races that promise to get more and more impressive as you progress through the game. This first race was incredibly well paced, each checkpoint was passed within a fraction of a second of the aircraft, creating a sense of nail biting tension. If the rest of the games set piece races live up to the standard of this first one then this may be one of the games highlights.

Long time JRPG and Nintendo SuperFan, Laura is a passionate gamer who comes to WhatCulture to share her nerdy ramblings with the world.