10 Greatest Second-Bananas In Gaming

7. Potato GLaDOS - Portal 2

Admit it; you totally got the ending theme song of the first Portal game stuck in your head for weeks on end. The catchy jingle was sung by the game€™s memorable antagonist GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System). While GLaDOS spends the entirety of the game trying to intentionally lead you to your untimely demise, she ultimately proved to be a worthy adversary with an irritatingly clever wit. So, imagine the surprise and joy of gamers everywhere when they loaded up Portal 2 and eventually found themselves packing around a potato containing the consciousness of the homicidal CPU. While the first half of the game sees players palling around with an AI named Wheatley, he eventually becomes a homicidal CPU himself and overthrows GLaDOS who, to her great displeasure, spends the rest of the game imprisoned within a potato at the player€™s mercy. Despite her reluctance GLaDOS is a valuable companion, begrudgingly offering advice, witty dialogue and relentless mockery should the player die trying to complete a level. After defeating Wheatley at the end of the game, players are rewarded by seeing Chell escape the Enrichment Center while GLaDOS sings a ballad about finally getting rid of her. And you got it stuck in your head for weeks on end.
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Half Life 2
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Mr. Quinn Gammon is a retro game collector, a fan of the video game industry and a lifelong pro wrestling fan, with a loyalty to WWE. He enjoys 90's cartoons, Looney Tunes characters, British television (with an emphasis on Doctor Who and Sherlock) and enjoys the occasional mixed berry trifle (with gluten free cake).