Hal Emmerich, known to fans of the Metal Gear franchise as Otacon, comes very close to being the ultimate sidekick. Upon meeting him in the first Metal Gear Solid game, one of the first things he does is...pee his pants. Despite his less-than-manly introduction to players, Otacon would go on to become one of Metal Gears most enduring and beloved characters as Snakes only true friend and faithful support. At any time during the Metal Gear Solid games, players need only tune into their Codec to contact Otacon, who can assist them with saving game files, reiterate current objectives and offer general advice on the best ways to use different weapons and items procured. In addition to his helpful dialogue, Otacon also provides Snake with a variety of useful equipment throughout the games, including the Metal Gear series now signature Stealth Camouflage. While he can prove to be a bit whiny and irritating at times, his helpfulness far outweighs his oversensitivity. For added fun, there are numerous secret easter egg conversations players can trigger with Otacon, just for laughs. Still, as good as the eccentric doctor is, there are two who are better.
Mr. Quinn Gammon is a retro game collector, a fan of the video game industry and a lifelong pro wrestling fan, with a loyalty to WWE. He enjoys 90's cartoons, Looney Tunes characters, British television (with an emphasis on Doctor Who and Sherlock) and enjoys the occasional mixed berry trifle (with gluten free cake).