10 Greatest Second-Bananas In Gaming

4. Cortana - Halo

Surprise surprise, Master Chief€™s signature holo-babe made it onto a list about supporting characters! When you€™re an emotionally disconnected super soldier fighting a race of nigh-unstoppable aliens bent on the domination and complete obliteration of the human race, it€™s hard to make friends. While the Chief can always rely on his teammates to help him get the job done, it was the companionship of his faithful AI partner Cortana that truly humanised him. When the world is crashing down in flames around the feet of Master Chief, Cortana is always there to provide a useful tip or encouraging dialogue. While Cortana€™s sanity depleted with every game and her personality became more erratic, her constant companionship is a boon to the gameplay, emotionally connecting players to the story in ways that the bloody war between humanity and the Covenant simply can€™t. In a sea of games featuring AI companions and sidekicks, Cortana stands the test of the time as arguably the most famous, the most respected and, oddly enough, the most attractive of them all.
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Half Life 2
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Mr. Quinn Gammon is a retro game collector, a fan of the video game industry and a lifelong pro wrestling fan, with a loyalty to WWE. He enjoys 90's cartoons, Looney Tunes characters, British television (with an emphasis on Doctor Who and Sherlock) and enjoys the occasional mixed berry trifle (with gluten free cake).