Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Reasons It's The PS4's Best Open-World Game

1. The Insanely Detailed Photo-mode

Ghost of Tsushima Open World
Sucker Punch Productions

What better way to show your pride in such a visual masterpiece than by including what may be the most detailed photo-mode on PlayStation.

Other titles such as Hellblade, God of War, and Spider-Man have all featured great photo-modes so that players can capture their favourite moments. Sucker Punch has heard the audiences' cries and delivered an incredible set of options so that no two captures will look the same.

At any moment, aside from cutscenes, the player can hit right on the D-Pad to activate the camera. The camera can be positioned anywhere nearby at any angle with dozens of options available. Filters, focal length, aspect ratio, particle effects, wind direction, wind speed, weather, time of day, and so much more can all be altered when in photo-mode.

Every single image on this list (apart from the menu screenshot) has been captured using the in-game camera. It is safe to say that many peoples' playthrough times will be almost doubled just by pausing every few seconds to take a snapshot.

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